The nine grandchildren

Grammy and Paw-paw

M "vegging-out" in the chair

E with his new hat and mitten set

Uncle Eric in his Christmas red

Colts shirts Grammy painted for the boys.

Aunt Susan and Uncle
Ajesh with their first twin giraffes. My sister just loves giraffes and had a stuffed giraffe growing up that she took EVERYWHERE! I just had to be the first to buy her twins a giraffe.

E and cousin Mikey hugging. Oh, so cute!

Aunt Meg and cousin Mikey

The traditional reading of the Christmas story before opening presents, then we sing "Silent Night".
Nine little kids pent up in a house at Christmas time is bound to bring on the drama. When you add sugar, presents, and sickness to the mix you get a very memorable experience that you won't soon forget. In fact, the sickness lingered with us until the following Wednesday. However, despite the obvious discomforts as a result of the get-together, the kids were overjoyed to be spending time with their cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. They are really enjoying all the presents they received, too. The kids love the books, clothes, key board, movies, and roller skates, just to mention a few of their favorite things. My kids are truly blessed!
However, what I think was one of the best gifts the kids gave this year was a song that they learned from a wonderful woman at church named Melanie. We stayed after daily Mass a few mornings each week learning and practicing the song she called, "Let us Adore". I am not a musician and all I know is that it is beautiful! It is sung by one child leading and the others sort of echoing or following in response. We've been able to give this special gift first to their dad and then to all of our relative on my side of the family. I hope to continue giving it to others over the Christmas Holiday, including my husband's side on Christmas Eve. I definitely am grateful to Melanie, the mother of six, teaching my six such a beautiful song. What a gift she was to us! Thank you Melanie!