R used to get into everything, and I do mean everything! I have a list of about 30-35 things (out of the ordinary) written in her baby book that she has gotten into over the past few years. Seriously, it got to be such a long list that I stopped adding to it after awhile. Now that she is nearly four, she has finally started to listen and stay out of most things that are messy or harmful to her.
However, E has definitely been following in her earlier footsteps. These pictures are proof of his latest escapades into my desk drawer. That isn't marker on him, that is ink from a blue and red ink pad. It is hard to tell from the picture, but he has some purple spot where he evidently tried mixing the blue and red ink. His legs were covered in red and blue patches and purple splotches. Who knows, maybe he'll be a great artist someday and this is only his earliest master piece! I do hope that it doesn't take him as long to outgrow this stage as it did his older sister.