The girls' Birthday party went well. It was very relaxed and low key. They had a wonderful time and even Aunt Olivia and another friend were able to spend the night. 
Our three year old, big girl, was given a booster seat by her Nana and is so proud of it. This makes things a little easier for me in setting up seats in the van. We now have four booster seats and a forward facing toddler car seat for the baby---er--- I mean toddler--sigh.
Where did the time go? I can't believe the baby is already big enough for a toddler car seat! They have all loved the new seat arrangements (yes, plural!). We are still trying to figure out just who is best at being a car buddy to whom. Since, my now five-year-old still can't buckle herself, she still needs one of the older two to be her car buddy. I hope my new seating arrangement will soon fix that problem and give her enough space to see the seat belt buckle and practice putting it in herself. Until now, she always sat next to the toddler seat. It was nearly impossible for her to reach it herself.
Also over the past few days, my dear husband went out of town for three days to do some continuing education classes, leaving me home with the kids. Thank God my mother was willing to come and help me with the kids because I had three meetings on those same days. She was also a saint at watching the kids while I tried to reorganize( who am I kidding, I mean organize. Reorganize implies I was organized at some point prior to this!) The kids were ecstatic to have Grammy here for an entire week. They miss her terribly now that she is gone.
The kids were excited to play in the snow on another day. We don't get snow that sticks around more than a few hours, so this was a rare treat for them. The older three were the only ones brave enough to stay out in the cold more that a few minutes.
I was also busy attending my Faith Formation class's reception of First Reconciliation over the weekend. Things went rather well, and I hope those who were able to receive the sacrament made a good and holy First Confession. You can always tell which kids have parents that care about passing on their Faith. I don't want to go into it here, but suffice it to say, there aren't that many in this class. It saddens me profoundly at how hungry these kids are for the Truth and how they are starving for it. How can I possibly give them enough knowledge in just one hour of class a week?( That could be a whole other post in itself!)
My son also pointed out a nasty cavity to us over the weekend. Of course this happened on Saturday morning, when there was no way of getting to a dentist until Monday! As God would have it, we were able to see the dentist first thing on Monday and the cavity was temporarily filled until they can work him in at a later date.

While I was at the dentist with my son, my mother watched the kids and snapped the picture of our toddler in the upside down stool. She is such a ham whenever she sees a camera. One of her best pronounced words is "Cheese!".
Despite all this chaos, and much more, (of which I will spare you the details) we were able to do school work each of the week days. I wanted to post some of the resources we used for today's lesson on St. Agnes.
First I had our oldest read the short biography of St. Agnes out of her Saint book that she received from a very kind old lady at church (see picture). Next, we discussed the symbol of the lamb and how artists usually portray St. Agnes. After the kids had their "book work" done for the day, I gave them the Catholic How to Draw book which you can get from .
They had a great time trying to make their picture look like the one in the book. Okay, maybe great is too strong of a word. Some of them got discouraged when their lamb looked more like a dog than a lamb! Hopefully, though, they will remember that St. Agnes is usually represented holding a lamb and that Jesus is the Lamb of God whom she had given herself to completely
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