A Roman Catholic homeschooling mom writes about her family, her faith, and her frustrations.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Our Son's Birthday Cake
Lenten Center piece
Monday, February 23, 2009
Homeschool Family Retreat
www.sorrowfulmothersministry.org/. They have retreats every month and an annual conference we attend each year in October. They are wonderful, too. I wish we lived closer to either of these. God bless.
Our Lady's Rosary Maker's Field Trip
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Grammy and Paw-paw visit
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Awesome 12 Year Old Girl's Pro-Life Speech
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Busy Week, Again
To add to an even busier day, we had friends over to play and have dinner. The kids were so wound up, but I think wore themselves out sufficiently because they went to bed and never said a peep.
Sunday was no different. We started teaching a new class series for NFP and were busy discussing things with the newly engaged couples for 3 hours. As soon as we got home, dear hubby took the older two to a basketball game while I took a much needed rest.
Monday was busy with school work. Tuesday we had school, voice lessons for the oldest, and then we did a service project at the local nursing home. The best part of the day was making the Valentines Day cards and chocolate covered pretzels with the residents. I think we really made their day. Wednesday was filled with school work, Mass, and chores. Laundry was threatening to take over, but I think we've won that battle for the moment. Thursday, thank goodness was a little of a break for me. I left the kids with Dear Hubby while I got groceries that night. Friday we had a marathon day. We attended Mass, did school work, went to the Catholic book club, and then went for a play date after that. By the end of it, I was ready to throw in the towel and I buckled under the pressure and bought pizza for dinner to feed the remainder of the family. (Dear hubby is on retreat for the weekend and our oldest is at a sleep over.)
Today, thank goodness doesn't seem to be too terribly busy... so far. I am excited to see Dear Hubby, of course to see him, but also because he is bringing home a piano with him! Our good friend from IL. is giving us a piano for the kids to use. Since dear hubby is on retreat only an hour away from the free piano, he is making a detour on the way home to pick it up! I am hopeful that after getting it tuned, I might be able to start teaching the kids how to play! LOL! I say that as if I know how to play! LOL! I only know a very small amount, but I am hopeful that they can quickly surpass my ability to play. If nothing else, this will be a way to encourage them to do some independent study. Maybe they can teach themselves how to play.
When the piano arrives, I'll be sure to post a picture.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Candlemas Day (Monday) and First Friday Activities
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Recommended Resources & Websites For Prepairing for First Eucharist:
"New Catholic Picture Bible" by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. published by Catholic Book Publishing Company (about $10 at chcweb.com/)
"Saint Joseph Picture Books"---Many titles are included in this series, ALL of them are EXCELLENT! I highly recommend these titles: The Seven Sacraments, The Holy Eucharist, God Loves Us All, and My First Catholic Picture Dictionary. All are written by Father Lovasik and published by Catholic Book Publishing Co. (They range in price from $1.50 to $2.50, some stores sell boxed sets)
"Today I Made My First Communion" by Dianne Ahern published by Aunt Dee’s Attic (about $20. It is also a keepsake book with places for pictures and the child to describe the day. I recommend buying this ahead of time to read with your child in anticipation of First Holy Communion.)
"Faith and Life Series" by Ignatius Press (Excellent religion text book to read with your child!
Available at both chcweb.com and setonbooks.com)
"Little Nellie of Holy God" by Sister Mary Dominic, R.G.S. published by Tan Books and
Publishers, INC. (about $8. A wonderful book about a little girl whose story influenced even Pope St. Pius X)
"If Jesus Came to My House" by Joan Gale Thomas published by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Books (about $7. We read this story book in class and the kids loved it.)
"Let the Children Come to Me" (CD) Sung by the Foxhoven Kids (about $15. We’ve used
some of these songs in class)
www.chcweb.com/ (Faith and Life series and music CD can be purchased here.)
www.catholicbookpublishing.com/ (St. Joseph series can be purchased here.)
www.ewtnkids.com/ (very kid friendly website where kids can play faith-based games and take online quizzes about the Faith. It is FREE to register.)
www.tanbooks.com/ (Little Nellie of Holy God can be purchased here.)
www.setonbooks.com/ (Faith and Life Series can be purchased here.)
www.ewtn.com/ (they have a wonderful catalogue, but also an on-line library of facts you can search through if you have questions about the Catholic Faith)