While the kids were on vacation at Grammy and Paw-paw's, Dear Hubby and I accomplished many things around the house and also had some fun. After working hard all week on laundry, dishes, the garden, resurfacing the driveway, and de-cluttering, we took a small vacation and went camping...just the two of us. We hadn't been camping alone since we were first married, which was ten years ago. We decided to go to a federal campground that is about 40 minutes away called Tipsaw. It is a small campground with a lake which is near two other small lakes.
The following pictures were of an old homestead at one of the neighboring lakes called Indian Lake. The house has been restored and is really neat to walk through. The story behind the old house was very interesting, but also very sad. The couple had a total of 10 children, but 2 of them died as young children. I know that was very common back then, but it was still sad to read about the struggles that this family underwent. I kept thinking how much the kids would have loved to see this place. So I took plenty of pictures and we'll probably take the kids there later this year or maybe next spring.
After looking at the house, we took a walk to the cemetery and saw many wild hares along the way. A mother and her baby let us get about five feet away from them before they decide we might be dangerous. I took lots of pictures of the bunny because I knew the kids would love to see how close we got to them. 
I was surprised at how extremely quiet it was. There were very few other people camping that weekend and without the kids around, well, let's just say it was rather silent. Hubby and I actually got to read and not be interrupted. I do have to admit that I felt a little odd driving around in a fifteen passenger van with only hubby and I in it. Though I am glad Dear Hubby and I got to go camping, it just isn't the same without the kids...but it sure was a lot easier to pack for two than it is for seven! I didn't miss the packing or the unpacking, that is for sure!
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