This is a group shot of those who attended the cookie exchange for our homeschooling group this year. It was a long drive, but worth the while. We all had a great time. ( I know I look like the Hunch Back of Notre Dame in this photo. No wonder my back has been hurting lately!)

We made popcorn ropes this year to hang on our "memory" tree in the basement. I figured it would be very good physical therapy for my son, whose hand-eye coordination could use some improvement. It also kept them busy for quite some time. When we are finished using it on our tree, we plan to take it outside and decorate one of our bushes so the birds can enjoy a treat.
This picture is what happens when a two-year old decides to give a baby doll a bath in toothpaste. I knew there was something wrong when she came to me with sticky hands, her stiff hair sticking straight up in the front, and she smelt like mint. I immediately went around the house to see what she had gotten into this time. Apparently it was the older kids' toothpaste that they forgot to put back into the medicine cabinet. At least the baby doll was clean after I scrubbed all the toothpaste off. I guess that is just life with kids. R has gotten into more things and made more messes than all the others combined. I hope she grows out of this stage soon.
These are pictures of our Christmas with Grandpa this past Sunday. The kids were so excited that they got to open some presents early. Grandpa always spoils them and lets them climb all over him. They are always glad when Grandpa comes over for Sunday lunch and a visit. The little girls weren't very happy when I told them the rest of the presents will have to wait until Christmas. It can be so hard for little ones to wait. I am proud of our little R who hasn't gotten into any of the presents under the tree...yet. I hope I haven't spoken too soon!
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