I've been hearing over and over again about the carbon foot print of a person. Some environmentalists attack large families and call for fewer children to be born in order to decrease this "carbon foot print". Some large families may have a larger foot print per person than smaller families, but I don't see that is the norm. Here is my proof:
Traditionally the more children you have the less money you can afford to spend on each child. This leads to some frugal and yet environmentally friendly behaviors. Here are just a few examples:
*hand-me-down clothes and shoes
*clothe diapers
* the use of reusable plates and cups instead of buying paper or plastic
* not buying individually wrapped grocery items and instead buying in bulk
* not eating out in restaurants (this saves on Styrofoam, plastic utensils, and paper products)
* having three or four children bath together
* All laundry loads are large loads (saves water and electricity)
* using wood burning stoves for heat (because there are enough hands to cut and carry wood)
* large garden to supply veggies (this saves on cost and the amount of cans a family buys)
*Canning ones own veggies and reusing glass jars
*Having a compost pile
*Raising chickens for eggs and then butchering for meat
*Eating up all left overs (with that many mouths to feed someone is going to eat it!)
*All sharing the same TV, radio, DVD player, CD player means less electricity per person
*the use of one vehicle to move 10 people means less gas per person
*make own laundry soap (less plastic containers and waste as well as harmful chemicals) *reusing bikes, scooters and toys
*reusing large yogurt, butter, and other plastic containers before recycling them
*recycling aluminum cans for extra cash
These are just some of the few ways that my family is being "environmentally friendly" just by being frugal. So to all the nay-sayers and environmental whack jobs trying to control the population, back off! My family is doing our part just by being frugal!
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