Maya Marie and Asha Marie
(These pictures and this post are very late. My camera and computer have not been communicating well, lately. Dear hubby was finally able to figure out how to get the pictures off of our camera late last night, so I could finally post these.)
Aunt Susan delivered the twins my Cesarean section on Thursday, May 26th at 12:52pm and 12:54pm. Maya weighed 4 lbs. 11 oz. She was able to carry them to 33 weeks and 4 days. When they originally got the diagnosis of Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, they never expected them to make it this far. Praise God for all the prayers. These are little miracle babies in my book.
Our whole family drove two hours that night to visit them in the hospital. Though the kids couldn't go and see the babies in the NICU, Jason and I were able to see them with Uncle Ajesh, the proud papa.
What a beautiful family they make! It has been a long two weeks, and the twins are still in the NICU. They are doing well and Aunt Susan is recovering and adjusting well. I can only imagine the difficulties she has been going through these past weeks. It is hard living so far away and not being able to see the girls and my sister more often. I am so thankful for modern technology. I've been able to see a few more pictures of my new nieces and even a video of their birth. It has been a blessing to meet these little fighters. Keep up the good work girls, and momma, too! God bless.
Cute! Glad they're safe. Wish they could have baked a little longer. Beautiful girls and proud parents.