Monday, November 10, 2008

Life is busy....

Life here is busy, with five children it is a constant balancing act just to get everyone dressed, fed, and educated. I feel a wave of insanity must have come over me when I decided to try my hand at blogging. Just one more thing on my plate! However, I feel that maybe adding one more thing, this time something for me, (an outlet for my inner dialogue) might add to the chaos, but just might help me stay sane.
My goal in creating this blog is to express myself, (when I feel I need to be creative), to update my friends and family, (when they are unable to see us in person), to enlighten others (who do not yet know the fullness of the Truth found in the Catholic Faith), and to encourage others (who hope to homeschool or have a large family). Lengthy and lofty are these goals, but little by little I hope to achieve them.
Why is life so busy? We are only here for a little while, and there is so much to do and see! Maybe that is why I feel so compelled to try to do it all. Not that I can, but I still feel compelled. The word 'no' just doesn't seem to be in my vocabulary sometimes. That being said, I feel like I need to say, "My name is Michelle, and I am a recovering 'Yesaholic'. God help me to say 'no' more often." May God bless you.

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